Sunday, December 28, 2008

US Melon news 24 DEC 2008


Cantaloupes: No Change Large sized
offshore fruit from Guatemala is in better supply
this shortened Christmas week, and demand is
only light. Increasing supplies over the next 10-
14 days will further ease the pressure and they
will be more readily available next week as
well. There are still very good supplies of the
smaller sizes (15/18ct)* and deals remain
available! Quality is very good with the Harper
varieties including long shelf life and higher Brix
levels. Demand is strong for the large sizes but
expect no significant market change especially
if supplies increase in the coming weeks.

Honeydews: No Change The honeydew

market is very rangy, but there is still somewhat
of a shortage of large fruit industry wide. For
those large sizes, the market is strong. It looks
as though the large fruit will remain limited over
the next 10-14 days and demand is strong
overall on honeydews with the light supplies
coming into port. MARKET STEADY

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