Thursday, February 19, 2009

Caribbean melon website launched 13 February 2009

A site dedicated to Rijk Zwaan's orange-fleshed cantaloupe melon has gone live this week

Plant breeding company Rijk Zwaan has announced the launch of a new website,, to help promote its orange-fleshed Caribbean melon brand.

The website outlines the characteristics of the fruit and the accompanying marketing concept, with descriptions of the various Caribbean varieties, an availability chart and contact information for different growing regions.

"Through intensive collaboration with growers, importers, processors and retailers a worldwide Caribbean network has been created, resulting in the joint development of a strong marketing concept," said Vincent van Wolferen, chain manager at Rijk Zwaan. "the website will be playing a significant part in this and will ensure that we are properly represented online as well."

The website will be kept fresh with a regular stream of news bulletins and announcements of forthcoming events.

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