Monday, January 26, 2009

US Melon news 26 JAN 2009

Cantaloupes: Supplies on Honduras
Cantaloupes continue to fall short of the current
demand pressure again this week. They are
still behind due to rain delayed planting gaps,
and as the newest area importing fruit, this will
put continued stress on the already light
supplies of available fruit until the week of
February 2nd. Costa Rica, should have their first
arrivals toward the end of this week, but
supplies will be light to start with. Cantaloupes
will remain tight over the next 2 weeks.

Honeydews: Honeydew supplies remain light
again this week and yields from Honduras are
down overall. The Honeydews continue to be
in few hands, but look to be improving over the
next 2 weeks. Similar to that of Cantaloupes,
Costa Rica fruit should start arriving towards
the end of this week. MARKET STRONG

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