Wednesday, January 28, 2009

US Melon news 28 JAN 2009

Cantaloupes: Supplies on Honduras
Cantaloupes look to improve by weeks end and
Costa Rica supplies will be arriving then as
well. Florida and New Jersey distribution
points will be receiving the majority of the fruit
arrivals and West Coast (L.A.)* will be the
lighter of the two areas for sure. Cantaloupe
supplies look to have continued improvement
over the next 7-10 days which will in turn give
way to more aggressive pricing. MARKET

Honeydews: Honeydew supplies remain light
and yields from Honduras are down overall.
The Honeydews continue to be in few hands,
but look to be improving over the next 7 days.
Similar to that of Cantaloupes, Costa Rica fruit
is starting to arrive, but only in light numbers.
Expect supplies to be much better next week
and market conditions will improve as well.

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